The world is always sending us 2 messages which is especially true when we are young:
1- It will overwhelm you. Or …
2- It will abandon you.
Another way of putting that is for the world to say, “I am big and you are not.”
Without a proper and balanced childhood one would feel powerless to some extent. This would cause them to either stay separate from the world and grow up with a victim complex, or, to try to side with the world and become a part of the power, the bully.
Therapy, talking, groups and journalling all help to give you newer, more up-to-date and accurate messages to replace those of the distant past, that have such a hold on us still.
Seeing the abuse, abandonment, neglect and even your own contribution to it all as an adult, through your adult lens, helps to begin the healing.
“In soul of every newborn baby,
words are waiting to be written.” ― Toba Beta

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