Hurt Inner Child, Let it Cut Deep

hurt inner child
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Portrayal – A little boy, sitting down in a defeated position, looking like he’s been through an ordeal that has him feeling badly enough to withdraw from the world and go into a corner, hoping to recover. Or, at least hoping to get himself away from the source of the pain. He doesn’t look like he can handle much more of it.

He is sitting on the floor, trying to make himself small and hidden. His arms are folded across his chest in a protective pose, keeping his more vulnerable part of his body (the abdomen) shielded. That’s where the pain of emotional abuse is felt. His eyes are blood shot and you can see he’s been crying and is now exhausted. So many stress hormones circulating through the bloodstream, the body now trying to bring itself back into homeostasis, to soothe.

He is in full color, showing his “aliveness” and delightful essence that all children have. This is in contrast to the PAIN that’s surrounds him, in black and white, grim and menacing. The eyes around him show us what’s waiting for him outside his bedroom walls. He’s creating a vision of what the world is like and will carry that into adulthood, where deep inner work is waiting. He’ll also have to numb the repeated PAIN and his sensitivity to emotion from within and through connection with others, until he’s old enough to process and tolerate it.

At that point, his job will be to first remember it, then fall into it.

“The cure for pain, is in the pain.” – Rumi

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