Dealing with Anxiety

Dealing with Anxiety

Lots of anxiety in childhood. Most of it is dealt with in whatever ways (coping) children find to do so and that pattern stays until adulthood.


If you can’t connect to those who you depend on then one of the ways you can cope as a child is to create your own inner world. Doing nothing is not an option as the brain and nervous system need to regulate somehow. This rich, inner world is a place of solace to counter the threat out there, the unmet need.

Getting to the point where you can regulate your emotions requires that you go through a process that can take up to 5 years. You will feel gradually better as you go along so it’s not like you have to wait 5 years to get some relief but that is the amount of time it takes if you take your emotional work seriously.

Notice I said you need to go through a process and not try a certain method or use this one special technique that’s new. It means adopting some new practices and doing them daily or weekly for the entire 5 year period.

There are 2 main aspects to dealing with your anxiety.

1- Is to become aware of it and figure out what it is specifically you are anxious about.

2- To face it over and over again.

“Life is a lively process of becoming. – Douglas MacArthur”

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