Few friends at school, grumpy teacher and parents who are in their own worlds.
As a child you don’t have control over these things and so you create a fantasy in your head about how the world and your parents really are.
You turn to T.V, daydreaming and anything else you can hook onto to get you by as comfortably as possible.
Once grown you stay in that pattern as it is so ingrained. You don’t even know you have it. Talk. Talk to trustworthy people, open up and start to share so you can see your reality reflected back to you through their eyes.
As you do your awareness grows and so do you. Your feelings come to the surface, your thoughts are pinned down and your life starts to become yours.
Ask for honesty and look for the criticism and grim feedback from those who have your best interests at heart.
“He was so terrible that he was no longer terrible, only dehumanized.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night

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